
Sensory-Informed Practices: A Key to Unlocking Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

Connecting Sensory and SEL Sensory experiences – what we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell – significantly influence our emotional and psychological state. Understanding and catering to these sensory needs can be transformative in the context of SEL. It enables students to become more self-aware and better regulate emotions, manage stress, and engage positively with [...]

The Ultimate Calming Corner Resource Guide

Calming Corner Guide by Jewelisa Blanks

The Transformative Impact of Sensory-Informed SEL in Today’s Classrooms

The field of education is constantly evolving, adapting, and innovating to better meet the diverse needs of students. One emerging approach that has garnered much attention is Sensory-Informed Social Emotional Learning (SEL). This holistic approach intertwines sensory awareness with emotional intelligence development, offering students a well-rounded, supportive learning environment. What is Sensory-Informed Social Emotional Learning? [...]

5 Ways Sensory Toys Can Help Children with Autism